Blog Quote Challenge #3



Anne Frank is one of my favorite authors, so she is my #3 vote today!

Thank you to anaprose for nominating me for the Quote Challenge. Check out her blog here:

Below are the rules and my last three nominees for the week:

Thank the person who nominated you.

Select 1-3 quotes for 3 days to post on your blog.

Pick 3 bloggers to continue to love of quotes!


Drumroll please…..the last three nominees are:

The Prodigal Son

Have a great day where ever  you are!  And if you don’t like where you are, move.  You are not a tree!  🙂


Yours in Lyme Adventures,


7 thoughts on “Blog Quote Challenge #3

  1. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I don’t normally participate in these things; but I love quotes, so I will give it a go.

    Not having done these before, is this for next week?


      1. And so the cookie crumbles (is that a quote? Lol) I just received an unexpected job call, and I’m going to be swamped trying to complete before the weekend. I will have to pass this time, but thank you for thinking of me.


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