Full As A Tick

I never heard this expression before, and it wasn’t until I researched phrases with the word ‘tick’ in it that I came across this clever idiom.

Sadly, it takes different foods for me to be full as a tick now. I really miss baking and eating my favorite dessert of cookies and milk.imgres-3 Diving into a bowl of my husband’s homemade sauce on pasta with buttery garlic bread on the side can’t happen at my place setting anymore. Potato chips with my special sour cream and onion dip is a snack that I have to pass by. Summer corn on the cob and shrimp cocktail with another homemade sauce recipe are now distant culinary memories. And no more summer desserts like s’mores or ice cream. Pancakes or waffles with syrup–out. Toast with jelly and butter–gone.





All gone from my diet and my taste buds.

And forget about wine or mixed drinks. Those delicious refreshments would clearly turn me into a stinging human, capable of electrifying any number of appliances in my home. And that something I do not wish to do with my time right now.

imagesNow, it is kale, protein, green tea and water that make me full as a tick. Today, I realized that eggs need to be taken off my menu, too.


Well, that makes more room for more of those good-for-you greens in my diet, right?

What makes you full as a tick?

Yours in Lyme Adventures,


38 thoughts on “Full As A Tick

    1. Everyone has different reactions to Lyme disease. For me, my diet affects my joints and nerve pain and has been really affected by it, for others, it’s just joint and nerve pain. Lyme feeds off of sugar, so if I eat anything that breaks down into sugar, my inflammation kicks up. I am slowly getting better…I’m on a variety of supplements to get my organs back in gear and I am hoping along with that, my diet will be able to improve. It’s been a long process, but I am thankful that I have more energy than I did even in April…one day at a time…xoxo

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  1. My first inclination was to make a dark joke about the progression of food not being made out of real ingredients anymore, and thus you’d be able to eat all of these things again since you wouldn’t be eating actual cheese, potato, sugar, etc. But, I couldn’t quite find the right Bazinga with it, so there’s a half effort reiteration for ya! lol

    In all seriousness though, I feel for ya. I don’t know that i’d be able to be as disciplined as you are. I have a pretty severe case of IBS and there are still several times a month where I’ll be craving something, know I’ll be miserable the next day if I eat it, and eat it anyway. So really, I admire you for that.


    1. Ha ha…love your train of thought…organic really isn’t organic in this country, I know…I actually found t-shirt pics on google with ‘full as a tick’ on them…I’m going to see if I can buy one! My diet isn’t easy, but it’s aversion therapy at it’s best!! I still sneak a little piece of chocolate here and there…it’s so hard since our American diets are so processed-based. Have you read Breaking the Vicious Cycle? It’s all about curing your gut w/ food…and not foods…it’s actually very interesting…

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      1. It is definitely hard, and I’ve learned the hard way that where you live makes a big difference too. When I lived back home (Calif.) I had no trouble eating plenty of fresh veggies and fruits and such all the time because Ca. is such a huge produce state that the stuff was literally all grown about 20 minutes away from me. There is such a huge selection, and they all stay fresh and good for a week or sometimes more. California, being California, also just has a proliferation of health food stores, organic markets, farmer’s markets, and even fast food restaurants that serve only salads.

        Then I moved to Alabama in 2013. Wow. Minimal variety of produce, it’s all half over-ripe at the point you buy it at the store. You have to trek to get to healthy-minded grocery stores, and there is just no such thing as “healthy alternative restaurants”. Back home, it was easy to be healthy, out here it’s a pilgrimage and a test of endurance.


      2. Ugh…it’s a lot of work trying to stay healthy! It amazes me also that ‘clean’ food and products cost MORE than processed food… I just don’t get it. My aunt and uncle were in Florida for a few years, and they experienced the same thing like you have in CA…now they are back in New Hampshire due to my uncle’s health, and the produce finds are very limited…

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  2. It’s definitely an eye opener. The South is the most obese part of the nation, and there’s lots of good reasons behind it. A lot of the towns here in Alabama don’t have sidewalks, so you can’t walk anywhere. The only produce here is minimal in variety and poor in quality – which is probably why most Alabamians eat their veggies deep-fried if at all.

    And then, like you said, processed junk food costs more money than fresh veggies and organic meat. Alabama isn’t the richest state, by any means, so people eat what they can afford. Frozen pizza, TV dinner, etc. etc.

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      1. Believe it or not, money/work – lol. Seems backwards considering wages are lower and jobs are harder to find in Alabama. But back home I was working a full time job 50 hours a week and a part time job 20-30 hours a week, and still too poor to afford new glasses, clothes, etc. In 2012 my part time job approached me about becoming full time in the HR department and moving out to Birmingham, AL. I looked at the cost of living versus what my wages would be and realized that I’d have a more financially comfortable life out here. I had nothing tying me down in CA. – so here I am!

        I do like it out here, it’s very pretty with all the trees, flowers, hills, etc. The cost of apartments and houses is mind-blowing to me, even 3.5 years later, so that’s nice. The people down here are much nicer and more polite than back home. I just miss the food. I miss the veggies, fruits, and ethnic foods a LOT… a lot, a lot a lot a lot!

        But c’est la vie, no? Nothing in life is free, always a trade-off.


      2. One of these days when I get around to growing up and buying my own house, I’d love to have a little veggie garden. Don’t get me wrong, I hate gardening – but I love fresh food lol. I suppose though, I’d better get a move on, being as I’ll be 34 next week!

        Honestly, the responsibility of owning my own home is a bit intimidating. Yes I’m a bit sick of apartment living and for what I pay in rent I could be paying on a house…. But, it’s so handy to shoot an e-mail when something needs fixed, and come home to a “free” repair lol


      3. I didn’t marry until I was 31…when I had my daughter, I was considered a ‘high risk’ at 36 w/ gestational diabetes…it’s all in the mind set…and you can grow some foods in pots in organic soil very easily: lettuce and tomatoes…probably peppers….

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      4. that stinks…well…that settles it…you need to move to a place where you can at least have some plants on your property! I love my potted plants indoors and my perennial garden….

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      5. I really do need to get my butt in gear, I think I’d be happier, overall. Growing up we had a humongous garden out back, we grew strawberries, tomatoes, jalapenos, green onions, yellow onions, bell peppers, peas, green beans, cabbage, lettuce, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, and corn. It was fantastic!….EXCEPT for the fact that my stepmother canned everything. EVERYTHING… Have you ever had canned carrots? Blegh!


      6. HA HA! I actually have a jar of ‘ginger carrots’ in my fridge that I bought from the health food store on a visit recently…haven’t opened it yet, but it’s there…care to take a bet when I will actually OPEN it and eat it???? 🙂

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      7. If you’re smart – NEVER! Lol, just playing. They might actually be good – but mushy carrots has never been a thing for me. I’m a big texture person. Plus, my step mom would cook them with butter and brown sugar which just made it worse for me… Blegh!


  3. I am feeling deprived as I started the Lyme diet 5 days ago. I have had mouth watering cravings for things like I snickers bar! I haven’t eaten a snickers bar since I was in college! odd!
    I have been eating sweet potato fried in ghee with bacon to feel full. I make what I think are huge salads and it just doesn’t last!

    I am a newbie I am sure I’ll find ways to feel full. tomorrow I will have a food intolerance test….if eggs turns out to be an issue I. will. cry. I’m sorry they don’t work for you. thanks for this post.


    1. You will probably need to test for all sorts of foods…I found that adding LOTS of protein at each large meal helps and it is very hard to change eating habits…I feel your pain and I have another post on my blog called Sugar…salad don’t fill you up, but if you add 5-7 oz of protein on top like chicken and bacon, it will be more filling and satisfying. Check out my other article Adventures in Kale…it has a ‘recipe’ to use w/ kale and protein. So sorry you are going through this, but at least you are on your way to healing. xoxo

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  4. yes. I have veggies washed, cut and ready to eat. I get bacon from the meat market and they have some cooked in the morning and cut up for salad so that is fresh! I did cook a few pieces of chicken and cut them up to top the salads with too……BIG improvement. I am planning on tuna for lunch. I have not even checked if it’s allowed lol. everything is happening so fast.


    1. Basically, you have to figure out your food by how you feel…for me, I am really limited because I get a pain/inflammation reaction in my muscles and joints from any dairy, nuts, nightshade veggies, fruit, and carbs…that’s why it’s good to track what you eat and how you feel afterwards. Shellfish also give me a reaction, so I stay away from that as well…it’s really such a chemistry game…for me, I just avoid the big no-nos that break down into sugar…whole foods are good…greens and protein…

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  5. Have you ever tried juicing Wheat grass? I have taken 2 ounces of freshly juiced wheat grass in the morning and in the evening. It truly makes me feel much better. If I am right on this…. two ounces of wheat grass juice is equal in nutrients to 5 pound of vegetables! The freshly squeezed juice is best because it provides oxygen to your blood. It also helps your body and blood become my alkaline. Acidic blood causes problem from what I have read. I have truly enjoyed growing my own wheat grass and juicing it. I hope you don’t mind if I include the link to the site that I found very helpful. Wishing you success and recovery!



      1. Thank you! I am having trouble with eating so many foods, especially wheat made products. Where do you grow your wheat grass…in a pot or in the ground?


      2. I grow it in flats inside the house with a OTT full spectrum light. I love tending it, it is very easy to grow and it is ready for “harvest” in about 10 to 12 days. I soak the seeds overnight, spread them out on a small amount of soil, cover with a second flat growing container (to keep the seeds moist until the root and begin to grow) water daily. When they begin to sprout and push up the cover flat, I then remove the top flat so the shooting grass then can get sunlight, continue to water daily and wait till the blade of grass grows tall green and as soon as the blade show a second sprout at the base close to the seed it is ready to cut and juice. You can keep the cut grass in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks. You also can buy the grass in some super markets as well. It tastes like sweet grass 😦 but a shot glass of 2 ozs. is very quick and I follow it with a few pistachio nuts as a chaser and find it is worth it because I feel very good when I do this.

        Thanks for the link. I have not seen it but it looks very interesting!


      3. I started to read a bit the wheat grass site you provided…. I guess you can buy it in powder form, too?? I’d like to try to grow it myself only because I love to garden! But I know I can’t eat any nuts after wards…I may be chasing it with some green tea! How large is an OTT full spectrum light? I’ve never heard of that.


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